Find Land

Specific piece of land in mind?

A specific piece of land may have sparked the ides for a meanwhile garden.

Otherwise the types of land you could explore include:

  • School grounds
  • Communal spaces on housing estates
  • Derelict/disused land
  • Underused allotments or areas in parks or play spaces
  • Utilities land, disused railways
  • Land owned by a charity for public benefit
  • Old churchyards and cemeteries
  • Urban fringe
  • Farmland, orchards, bee keeping gardens
  • Farmland, orchards, bee keeping gardens
  • Private Land
  • Development Land (or land awaiting development)
  • Brownfield sites.These may belong to potential partners (DIY stores, transport companies)
  • Roof tops, carparks mobile gardens don’t need green space

Other possible routes for finding out about available land and its ownership:

  • Local Council (Association of Local Councils website)
  • Land Registry
  • Housing Associations

Initial Assessment of Site Options


Who owns the land?

What is the current use or is the site vacant?

What permissions are required?

How long is the site available for / how many growing seasons will be possible? (You may be receiving funds that require a minimum period of operation).

Are there planned uses or development?

What is the potential to meet the project’s objectives in this location?