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Developing the Meanwhile Garden Community

A meanwhile community garden involves a group of people or organisations.

If you want to take on a site you will need an organisation that can be the lead point of contact, be accountable, carry insurance and be named in the lease or licence grant use of the land for a community garden.

If you are starting from scratch this may take a while so it is useful to find an established local organisation that can act as the lead / umbrella group before the new garden group is established.

Who is in the local area who may be interested in joining the project?  Can you ally with other groups to make your case?

Are there other local garden projects to learn from and work with?

Are there local groups e.g. schools, community organisations, faith organisations, youth groups and clubs with an interest in growing?

Are there volunteering schemes or community benefit programmes that could use the site?

Is the garden open access, for members or a combination?

Are there local groups addressing particular needs that the garden can cater for e.g. Age UK, Community Mental Health Team, Excluded Young People? Or are there existing programmes you can complement?

Are there local businesses, colleges and universities who can donate materials, time or expertise to help develop the site environment and / or activities?

Is there an individual or organisation who could champion the project?

Are there local groups addressing particular needs that the garden can cater for e.g. Age UK, Community Mental Health Team, Excluded Young People? Or are there existing programmes you can complement?