Gain Permission

Find the Right Land Agreement

Approaching the landowner/authority

What can you offer to the owner?

  • Positive use of the land, community involvement and integration, increasing footfall and security, raising profile
  • Commitment, enthusiasm, experience
  • Shared values, meeting their policies / aims / objectives
  • Viable financial and management plans
  • Returning their land back when required / support for their future development on the site

What can the landlord offer you?

  • Peppercorn rent, security of tenure for a minimum period. Longtime planning.
  • Support e.g. water, electricity, support accommodation (wcs, storage, indoor space)

Do you need Planning Permission?

If your garden proposals involve changing the use on your proposed site, erecting structures or changing public access to the site then planning permission may be required.

An early discussion with a planning officer at your local authority will help establish this and provide guidance on the information and type of application required. In the UK, planning applications generally need to be uploaded via the Planning Portal

Check now if you need a planning permission



you will not need a planning permission!

Additional facilities for education or community?


you might need a planning permission!

Physical Developments?


you will need a planning permission!



you will need a planning permission!

Helpful links