Apply for Planning Permission

How to apply

The national planning portal and local authority websites list the requirements for planning applications.

Although these sites may seem a little daunting the information required should be appropriate to the scale of the project and prominence of the proposed site. Likely requirements include:

Location map

Existing Site Plan and Elevations

Proposed Site Plan and Elevations

A Design Access Statement comprising:

A short description of the context and photographs of the existing site.  This could include mention of other plans in the area that your proposals complement e.g. green spaces strategy, temporary loss of growing / green space during development, local demand / needs that proposals address

A short description of the site history ‘a heritage statement’ if the site is in a conservation area, or near to a listed building.

Proposed uses, access (e.g. public, key holders), opening hours

Your approach to the design of your proposals.  This could include:

  • The project idea – reasons for pursuing the project, proposed site uses and beneficiaries
  • Any features of the site your proposals are working with – landscape, orientation, relationship to adjacent sites and uses
  • The design of the garden layout and infrastructure – garden zones, routes, raised beds, shelters, social areas, accessibility, construction materials and techniques
  • Community involvement in developing proposals and / or engagement in developing the garden and its activity

You are also likely to need to describe how you are or making provision for aspects the planning authorities will need to consider.  Any changes to the current arrangements should be indicated on drawings and described covering:

  • Site access (pedestrian and vehicular)
  • Site enclosure / boundary fences
  • Parking vehicular and cycles
  • Services (water, electricity, gas) – which may include sustainable measures for water harvesting, drainage and solar electricity for example
  • Security and management

Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Form

Helpful links