Making a case

Why do you want to set up a meanwhile garden?

Make your case: set out the aims and delivery of the project to demonstrate the project is beneficial and well considered.

Aspects to set out include:

Aims and objectives of your group and the project, particularly where the project will enhance the local environment, improve opportunities for local people and benefit local social and economic activity.

What will the general impact on the land be and how are you going to use the produce?

How are you organised? As loose and flexible group of individuals or formalised as e.g. a registered association?

Are you cooperating with other organisations, external stakeholders? What will their impact on site, project or the legal set up be?

If you are working with groups who may be perceived as being vulnerable or ‘high risk’; what will their involvement in the project be and how will they be supported and supervised?

Are legal protection and funding secured?

Do you have (local) support, sponsors and advocates?